Alt tok tast vankrusga quiash ika parye, yst alt tok ualgtes tast enihy sos blog ika...
Was yea ra yorr bexm here, en Was yea wa yorr nha mea BLOG...
Estoy feliz de que hayas venido; y estaré feliz de dejarte entrar a mi blog...
xE rre yorr wLYEnEsE, en xE rre yorr aLYEuYEk mea_Eblog...
I'm happy because you came here, and I'll be happy to let you enter my blog...
iyon ih-rey-n ahih=ef yu-tey-i; soh-ne koh b-l-o-g-ny iyon=nyue-ea;;;
QuelI->{Cls(ih){EX[aw-b]->{Cls(iyon){EXaD[viez]->{koh pins};};}=>{Cls(ih){EX[aw-b]->{Cls(iyon){EXeI[etr]->{koh BLOG};}; }->ExeC->{HW};
VyyTTEE LaSSccbbtt Lleeiiih BLOG Vveeehhtt

A todos, quiero darles la bienvenida a mi humilde blog, el cual está dedicado a mi vida, al animé, a los videojuegos, y especialmente, a EXA_PICO. Aquí podrán ver las traducciones de letras de canciones que he hecho, y en el dado caso que no tenga la traducción que buscan, por favor vayan al foro Ar tonelico: A Reyvateil's Melody, ya que allí están todas las traducciones que podrían necesitar, junto con una gran cantidad de información sobre el mundo de EXA_PICO y sus conlangs.

¡Espero que se la pasen bien leyendo este blog!

Everyone, welcome to my humble blog, dedicated to my life, anime, videogames, and especially, to EXA_PICO. Here you all can see the translations for song lyrics I have done thus far, and if I don't have the translations you're looking for, please go to the Ar tonelico: A Reyvateil's Melody forum, since in both of these there are all of the translations you may need, together with a great quantity of information about EXA_PICO's world and its conlangs.
I hope you all have a good time reading this blog!

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Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta tsukioi no toshi. Mostrar todas las entradas

lunes, 14 de agosto de 2023

Traducción para la Narración del Tsukioi no Toshi Acoustic Story Live

 Y como lo prometí, aquí está la traducción al español de la narración del Tsukioi no Toshi Acoustic Story Live.

Prologue -Nejimaku Tsuki-

Bienvenido a Lag-Quara, el cual existe en el espacio entre las ilusiones y la realidad.
Yo soy aquella que la gente llama "Ecliss", la Quinta Voluntad de la Diosa Artia, y la Voluntad que destruye todo y lleva a todos aquellos que se acercan a la verdad a la muerte.
La felicidad que le fue otorgada a la gente fue vivir dentro de un mundo falso sin saber nunca la verdad.
Lo que es realmente digno de lástima no son las flores que se marchitan, sino aquellos que piensan que esas flores son lastimeras.
Por ello, esta es una historia que sería mejor que nadie conociera.
Pero si tú, que desafortunadamente te perdiste en la Ciudad de la Muerte, lo deseas, te mostraré un breve sueño.
La historia de un muchacho hasta el momento en que heredó el destino de Ecliss.

Shuuen no Toshi

El nombre de esa ciudad es "Ecliss".
Es un mundo que fue sellado eternamente debido a los pecados que fueron cometidos hace mucho.
La Ciudad de la Muerte que termina con las vidas de los moribundos...
Cosidas dentro del oscuro mundo, había incontables sombras.
Alientos sin nada de calidez.
Esos eran los infinitos fragmentos de consciencias que se perdieron en esta Ciudad de la Muerte.
Yo vigilo a aquellos que perdieron sus cuerpos sobre esta tierra, y pacíficamente esperaba a que llegase el fin.
Y en medio de todo esto, una sola sombra estaba de pie inmóvil.
Él era un muchacho que nació con una fuerte presencia de la Voluntad de Ecliss en su sangre, el cual se supone sería el próximo yo.
Ecliss es el poder de la destrucción y liberación.
Ese poder se activa de forma inconsciente, y para que él no destruyese a aquellos que él considera preciados por accidente, la mitad de su consciencia fue sellada en esta ciudad.
El él que estaba en el mundo real sentía que su existencia se había vuelto más tenue, y especialmente sentía como si su mente cada vez se apartase más de él.
Ver el mundo de un modo tan nublado vuelve díficil el retener el interés en cualquier cosa.
Había veces en las que pensaba que él era más aburrido que nadie, sólo respirando y haciendo lo que los otros le dijeran, pero realmente no le importaba.
Después de todo, le habían enseñado que si alguna vez se volviese el sucesor de Ecliss, su propia consciencia sería aniquilada.
Por ello le temía y vehementemente detestaba Ecliss, hasta el punto de rechazar incluso mi propia existencia.
La ominosa Ecliss que existe en el espacio entre las ilusiones y la realidad.
En la Ciudad de la Muerte iluminada por la gran luna, él deseaba ser liberado de su destino. Su nombre era...

Tsukioi no Toshi

(Sin narración.)

Sousei to Shuuen

No tenía simpatía alguna que darle.
No me opuse a él, pero tampoco le ayudé.
Eso fue debido a que él era el próximo yo, la misma clase de existencia que yo soy.
Sin embargo, sí le dí una sola salvación.
Eso fue el hecho de que conoció a una princesa extranjera que amaba a Ecliss.
Ella había nacido en la Empírea Tierra de Celestara, la cual estaba muy lejos de Ecliss,
y a pesar de estar sufriendo una enfermedad incurable, era una muchacha positiva.
Ella pensaba que el Ecliss que vendría a llevársela de este mundo era un ángel que la guiaría al Paraíso,
y trató de aprovechar el máximo el limitado tiempo que tenía.
Ahora que lo pienso, ella era su polo opuesto en género y estatus,
así que esos dos no debieron haber podido entenderse el uno al otro bajo ninguna circumstancia.
Pero, ¿tal vez fue debido a ello?
Misteriosamente, él le mostró sus verdaderos sentimientos.
No había necesidad alguna de mentir aquí.
Incluso él, que odiaba estar atado a cualquier cosa, logró intercambiar toda clase de promesas con una amante, aunque sólo fuese debido a que ella no tenía futuro.
Esa relación vaga e incierta tuvo el efecto opuesto y le dío un fuerte sentido de estabilidad a su corazón.
Por otra parte, ella se dió cuenta de cuan solitario él era.
Y cuando se dió cuenta de las razones de ello, ella incluso dijo que quería salvarlo.
"Quiero que una gentil lluvia caiga sobre su corazón, seco como un desierto.
Quiero ser como la luna e iluminar su mundo, el cual parece una noche sin fin.
Puede que no me quede mucho tiempo, pero...
aunque no tenga suficiente tiempo para cambiar mi destino, ¡puede que aún tenga tiempo suficiente para cambiar el suyo!"
Y cuando le pregunté "¿Por ejemplo?", ella me respondió:
"Por ejemplo, puedo hacerlo si se trata de algo como hacerlo sonreír más. Hacer que se enfade, hacer que llore...
Si es conmover sus sentimientos, puedo hacerlo. Si esos pequeños actos se acumulan el uno sobre el otro, su futuro cambiará poco a poco,
e incluso pueden terminar convirtiéndose en una fuerza lo bastante grande para cambiar su destino algún día."
--Pero su enfermedad empeoró al poco tiempo.
Ahora que estaba sufriendo constantemente, sólo había una forma de darle alivio.
Eso era quitarle la vida. Sólo el "Ecliss" que él consideraba tan repugnante podía salvarla.
Ecliss era un salvador para ella, era la Diosa en sí misma para ella.
Sin embargo, él continuo apartando sus ojos de la verdad,
y mientras la protegía, trató de hallar un modo de romper su maldición. Él busco hechizos y medicinas para curar enfermedades.
Finalmente, él logró echar atrás el momento en que la perdería por un día más al menos.
Su apego a ella estaba trayéndolo lentamente de vuelta al mundo real.
La salvación que debí darle a él en algún momento terminó volviéndose una gran prueba.
Se formó un gran cisma entre ella, que aceptaba al mundo y su propio destino, y amaba a Ecliss,
y él, que no podía aceptar nada.
El momento de su despedida se acercaba cada vez más.

Hikari to no Kaikou

(Sin narración.)

Hitomi o Tsugumono

Es inútil escapar.
Es inútil que le apartes los ojos.
Ecliss existe en la sangre de todos,
y es la Voluntad de la Diosa que destruirá todo y llevará a todos a la muerte.
Sin importar sus razones, Ecliss no le permitirá a nadie acercarse a la verdad.

Palabras malditas que continuaron cayendo como lluvia.
Ellas se volvieron como una tormenta que perturbaba su corazón, como si estuviesen saciando su sed.
Si la ilusión que cubría el mundo era desgarrada como si fuese enchapado, la Ciudad de la Muerte
que traía la desesperación se esparciría por todas partes.
Sólo un destino le esperaba a aquellos que lograsen ver la verdad sin adornar...


La Campana Sagrada que se escucha en el momento en que uno muere.
Esa es la Canción de la Verdad, y aquellos que la escuchan nunca volverán a despertar.
Es como si estuviese rezando, es como si estuviese deseando.
El tiempo de la muchacha se detuvo, y ella nunca volvería a moverse.
Las acciones que él llevó a cabo en un intento de protegerla de Ecliss finalmente sólo la hirieron y le trajeron sufrimiento.
Ella, que estaba decidida a vivir con fuerza hasta su última hora y morir gallardamente, había sufrido hasta el punto en que esa voluntad le fue robada.
Él la sostuvo en sus brazos y se culpó a sí mismo por todo.
Las últimas palabras que el escuchó de sus fuertes labios fueron "Por favor, mátame ya."
Su debilidad había causado su muerte en el más certero de todos los sentidos.
Su propio egoísmo le había robado todo a ella.

Tooi Shoujo e

(Sin narración.)

Aoi Hana no Gensou

--Esta es una historia de hace mucho, mucho tiempo.
Había una vez un templo en una ciudad donde vivían una muchacha que había recibido el poder de la Diosa y el mago que había sido llamado para ser su protector.
Los ojos dorados de la muchacha causaban la destrucción de todo lo que tocasen, y llevaban a todos aquellos que se acercaban a la verdad a la muerte, así que les llamaron "Ecliss".
Un día, el mago le dijo a la muchacha que era como una flor.
El hombre sabía que un gran mundo existía afuera de la ciudad,
y pensaba que nada daba más lástima que un ser que vivía sellado en un lugar pequeño, sólo soñando mientras se marchitaba.
Sin embargo, la muchacha le respondió mientras sonreía:
"No hay razón alguna para tenerles lástima. Una flor no tiene un corazón después de todo."
Vivir en un mundo falso mientras se mantienen ignorantes de la verdad.
Se dice que esa en sí misma era la felicidad que le fue otorgada a la gente.
Pienso que aquellos que realmente dan lástima son aquellos que piensan que las flores son lastimeras.
Se dicen que sus corazones son los que sufren la mayor soledad de todas...

Hanahiraku Souten

(Sin narración.)

Shiroki Souka

(Sin narración.)

Sousei no Toshi

Ahora que lo hubo perdido todo, le dijo adiós a este mundo cuando despertó de su largo sueño.
Cuando el me sucedió a mí... a "Ecliss", una tenue sonrisa se formó en su rostro.
El nombre de esa ciudad es "Ecliss".
Es un mundo que fue sellado eternamente debido a los pecados que fueron cometidos hace mucho.
La Ciudad de la Muerte que termina con las vidas de los moribundos...
Él ha susurrado muchas de mis frases favoritas, pero es debido a que él finalmente se dió cuenta de que eso lo identifica como yo.
Y así, él se volvió yo.
Algún día, en un futuro no muy lejano,
las manos de un cierto muchacho le darán cuerda a la bobina espiral una vez más.
Él le permitirá a una nueva canción remontar en la misma melodía.
Él le permitirá a una nueva historia remontar en el mismo mundo.
Hasta ese día, continuaré mirando a la luna
completamente sola, en esta ciudad donde el tiempo se ha detenido...

Nejimaku Tokei ga Tsuki no Michikake wo Kizamu

(Sin narración.)

Epilogue ~ Tojirareta Sekai

(Sin narración.)

domingo, 13 de agosto de 2023

Tsukioi no Toshi Acoustic Story Live Narration Translation

And well, here is the surprise I've been teasing since yesterday: it's a translation of the narration segments from the Tsukioi no Toshi Acoustic Story Live.

I hope you all enjoy finally finding out how the story to the album goes.

Prologue -Nejimaku Tsuki-

Welcome to Lag-Quara, which exists in the space between illusions and reality.
I am the one the people call "Ecliss", the Fifth Will of Goddess Artia, and the Will who destroys everything and leads everyone who gets close to the truth to death.
The happiness that was bestowed upon the people was to live inside a false world without ever knowing the truth.
What is truly pitiful isn't the flowers that wither away, but the ones who think these flowers are pitiful.
Therefore, this is a story that everyone would be better off not knowing.
But if you, who unfortunately got lost into the City of Death, wishes for it, I'll show you a brief dream.
The story of a boy until the moment he inherited the destiny of Ecliss.

Shuuen no Toshi

The name of that city is "Ecliss".
It is a world that was eternally sealed away due to the sins that were committed long ago.
The City of Demise that ends the lives of those who are about to die...
Sewn within the dark world, countless shadows.
Breaths with no heat in them.
These were the countless fragments of consciousnesses that got lost in this City of Death.
I watch over those who lost their bodies upon this land, and peacefully waited for the end to come.
Amongst all this, a single shadow stood immobile.
He was the boy who was born with a strong presence of the Will of Ecliss in his blood, who was supposed to become the next me.
Ecliss is the power of destruction and release.
That power gets activated unconsciously, and so he wouldn't destroy those he considers precious by accident, half of his consciousness was sealed away into this city.
The him in the real world felt that his existence had been becoming fainter, and he especially felt as if his mind was getting farther and farther.
Seeing the world in such a hazy way makes it hard to retain an interest on anything.
There were times when he thought he was a more boring person than anybody else, just breathing and doing whatever others told him, but he didn't really care about it.
After all, he had been taught that if he ever became the successor of Ecliss, his own consciousness would be annihilated.
That's why he feared and vehemently detested Ecliss, and rejected even my own existence.
The ominous Ecliss that exists in the space between illusions and reality.
In the City of Death illuminated by the large moon, he wished to be released from his fate. His name was...

Tsukioi no Toshi

(No narration.)

Sousei to Shuuen

I had no sympathy to give him.
Neither did I oppose him, nor did I help him.
It was because he is the next me, the same kind of existence I am.
However, I did give him a single salvation.
That was the fact that he met a foreign princess who loved Ecliss.
She had been born in the Empyrean Land of Celestara, located far away from Ecliss,
and despite being affected by an incurable disease, she was a positive girl.
She thought the Ecliss that would come to take her away from this world was an angel that would lead her to Paradise,
and tried to make the best of the limited time she had.
Now I think about it, she was his exact opposite both in gender and status,
so these two shouldn't have been able to understand each other under any circumstances.
But maybe that was why?
Mysteriously, he showed her his true feelings.
There was no need to lie about anything here.
Even he, who hated being shackled down to anything, managed to exchange all sorts of promises with a lover, if only because she had no future.
That uncertain and vague relationship had the opposite effect and gave a strong sense of stability to his heart.
On the other hand, she realized how lonely he was.
And once she learned the reasons behind it, she even said she wanted to save him.
"I want to make a gentle rain fall upon his heart, dry as a desert.
I want to be like the moon and illuminate his world, which seems to be like an endless night.
I may not have much time left to me, but...
even if I don't have enough time to change my fate, I may still have enough time to change his fate!"
And when I asked her "For example?", she replied this:
"For example, I can do it if it's something like making him smile more. Making him angry, making him cry...
If it's moving his feelings, I can do it. If these small acts all accumulate upon each other, his future will be changed little by little,
and they may even end up becoming a strength large enough to overturn his fate someday."
--But her illness soon worsened.
Now she was constantly suffering, there only was one way to bring her relief.
It was taking her life. Only the "Ecliss" he considered so disgusting could save her.
Ecliss was a savior to her, it was the Goddess herself to her.
However, he kept averting his eyes from the truth,
and while he sheltered her, he tried to find a method to break her curse. He sought spells and medicines for curing illnesses.
Ultimately, he managed to stave off the time he would lose her for one more day at the least.
His attachment to her was slowly bringing him back to the real world.
The salvation I should have given him ended up becoming a large trial at some point.
A large rift was formed between her, who accepted the world and her fate, and loved Ecliss,
and him, who couldn't accept anything.
Their parting drew closer and closer.

Hikari to no Kaikou

(No narration.)

Hitomi o Tsugumono

It's futile to run away.
It's futile to avert your eyes from it.
Ecliss exists within the blood of everyone,
and it's the Will of the Goddess that will destroy everything and lead everyone to death.
No matter their reasons, Ecliss won't allow anyone to get closer to the truth.

Cursing words that kept falling like rain.
They became like a storm disturbing his heart, as if they were quenching it.
If the illusion covering the world was peeled off as if it were plating, the City of Death
that calls despair forth would spread all over.
Only one fate awaited those who had managed to see the unadorned truth...


The Holy Bell that is heard at the instant of one's death.
That is the Song of Truth, and those who heard it will never awaken again.
It's as if it were praying, as if it were wishing.
The girl's time stopped, and she would never move again.
The actions he carried out in an attempt to protect her from Ecliss ultimately only harmed her and brought her suffering.
She, who was resolute to living strong until her last hour and to die gallantly, had suffered to the point of having that will stolen from her.
He held her body in his arms, and blamed himself for everything.
The last words he heard from her strong lips were "Please, kill me already."
His weakness had caused her death in the truest possible sense.
His own selfishness had stolen everything from her.

Tooi Shoujo e

(No narration.)

Aoi Hana no Gensou

--This is a story from a long, long time ago.
Once upon a time, there was a temple in a city where a girl who received the power from the Goddess
and the magician that was summoned to be her protector lived.
The golden eyes of that girl caused anything they touched to be destroyed, and anyone who approached the truth to be led to death, so they were called "Ecliss".
One day, the magician told the girl that she was like a flower.
The man knew that a large world existed outside the city,
and thought nothing could be more pitiful than a being that lived sealed away in a small place, just dreaming while withering away.
However, the girl responded to him this while she smiled:
"There is nothing to be pitied about them. A flower doesn't have a heart after all."
Living in a false world while remaining ignorant to the truth.
That itself was said to be the happiness that had been granted to the people.
I think the ones who truly are pitiful are those who think flowers are pitiful.
These are said to be the hearts that suffer from the greatest solitude...

Hanahiraku Souten

(No narration.)

Shiroki Souka

(No narration.)

Sousei no Toshi

Now he had lost everything, he bid farewell to this world when he awakened from his long dream.
When he succeeded me... "Ecliss", a thin smile formed on his face.
The name of that city is "Ecliss".
It is a world that was eternally sealed away due to the sins that were committed long ago.
The City of Demise that ends the lives of those who are about to die...
He has whispered several of my pet phrases, but it's because he has finally realized that identifies him as me.
And thus, he became me.
Someday, in a future not too far away,
the spiral coil will be winded up once again by the hands of a certain boy.
He will allow a new song to ride upon the same melody.
He will allow a new story to ride upon the same world.
Until that day, I'll continue gazing up at the moon
all alone, in this city where time has stopped...

Nejimaku Tokei ga Tsuki no Michikake wo Kizamu

(No narration.)

Epilogue ~ Tojirareta Sekai

(No narration.)

domingo, 4 de junio de 2017

Tsukioi no Toshi Liner Notes

Nota: una traducción al español vendrá posteriormente para estos liners.

Okay, it might have been a long time ever since the album was first released, but here are the liner notes for the first album released for tieLeaf's Lag-Quara series: Tsukioi no Toshi. Consider this as as a sort of preparation work for the upcoming translation I'll be doing for the Sacred Doors/Lag-Quara booklet that was released with the CD that included acoustic arrangements for Yuragu Sora and Tsukioi no Toshi.

tieLeaf Information Paper No. 02
Released on C69, 12.30.2005
Pleased to meet you and hello! This is Hiyama Nao, writing the preface for the second issue of the tieLeaf Information Paper [Sardine]. This time, I want to thank you for having bought the original fantasy collaboration project CD & Book [Tsukioi no Toshi]! As this is a work filled to the brim with the fantasy elements I love so much, it would make me really happy if you enjoyed it.
Well then, I'll take advantage of this chance to introduce the page to the [tieL] I made alongside Sorano Ao. tieL ( itself is a doujin circle that we established in order to give form to our own original work called [Nejimaku Tsuki]. And we recently established the collaborative creation circle [tieLeaf] with composer Ms. Shimotsuki Haruka (MapleLeaf), so in summary, given I'm involved with all of those activities at the same time, if anybody out there is interested in checking out tieLeaf's activities, that would make me really happy.
These pages contain both the liner notes and the postcript to [Tsukioi no Toshi]. They may contain spoilers and could possibly also shatter your image? of it. Please proceed with caution.

Tsukioi no Toshi (Nejimaku Tsuki)
Main Characters & Story
It might be redundant to say it, but these are the setting documents for it. (by tieL)

The name of that city is [Ecliss].
It is a world that was eternally sealed away
due to the sins that were committed long ago.
The City of Demise
that ends the lives of those who are about to die...

The protector of Ecliss from a thousand years ago. An especially created girl who can see Ecliss' memories and future. She is laid-back, gentle and is always smiling. But because Ecliss' power to cause internal hemorrhages was too strong, she caused the people around her to fall ill and die soon after just by existing. She loves dances and songs even more than eating, but she loves Ecliss more than anything else. She has waited, and continues to wait in Ecliss for a [certain something] she has never been able to obtain.

Rizel's true father. As a relative of Elthia's, he is the successor to the House of Ecliss. He staunchly believes himself to be a genius magician. He is the only human that can maintain his own body and presence of mind even around Elthia. While he is saddled with a heavy dissatisfaction due to Elthia's care being pushed onto him, he never leaves Elthia herself alone. He has a hobby of collecting rare items from around the world. He personally hates the Kingdom of Celestara. While he dotes on his son Rizel in his own way, the slightly twisted way in which he demonstrates it has caused Rizel to hate him.

A prince from Celestara. Sofia's younger brother from a different mother. However, there are many rumors being whispered about his origins, so the truth behind them is still uncertain. So while he lived outside the kingdom in his mother's house ever since he was born, he was recently summoned out of nowhere to a royal villa located near the Royal Palace. Ever since, he plays with his sort-of older sister. He was given an orgel through unclear circumstances. As he was ordered to take good care of it, he obediently treasures the orgel.

One of the Phantoms that exchanged the Pledge of the Protector with Rizel at the city of Ecliss. His thoughts and wishes are mostly shrouded in mystery at the present. While it seems (according to Cius himself) that he had excellent sword skills due to having impressive reflexes when he was still alive, as he unfortunately does not have a body, he has no other enjoyment aside of mocking Rizel now.

The Princess from the Celestial Kingdom of Celestara. Her nickname is Sofia. Due to being inflexible and stubborn, she tends to rush into things without thinking. Her favorite type of men are macho and easy-going ones. She seriously dreams not about being taken away by a [prince riding on a white horse], but by a [macho man who ran throughout the floating islands on his bare feet]. She hates indecisive and effeminate men. However, she loves making her cute(-faced) brother put on dresses.

Sardine's son. A boy that has been saddled up with many worries due to having Ecliss' blood running through his veins. Due to his consciousness being pulled in by Ecliss, he frequently runs late for school and falls asleep during the classes. While his grades alone have earned him the top spot in the class, his graduation is in serious danger due to not having enough attendances on his record. In order to make up for it, he found himself in the predicament of being forced to study abroad in the Kingdom of Celestara with no other options available. Due to his fastidious personality, he is quite careless about the relationships he establishes with other people. He despises everything related to the Ecliss name, especially his true father, more than he hates raw meat and fish.

Tsukioi no Toshi Liner Notes
Tu zet ol nam o Ecliss. Tu o i quara einal lefs li i sis vi dir. Eca hu o sequa, lei ol zet...
01. Nejjmaku Tsuki -Sinal "ar ol "ir"-

A track that expressed a world in which the Goddess winding up the spiral coil served as its whole beginning, which incorporates orgel motifs. I also took into consideration the secret ambience given by the sound, as if the soundless world that existed until the orgel emitted its first sound was being washed away at the same time its song starts playing. I have the feeling that it was decided from the project's start that we wanted to start with Nejimaku Tsuki and thus we set it as the CD's first track. Having an orgel that plays a song I made myself is an once-in-a-lifetime treasure. After all, you can never have too many of the things like the delicate mechanical sounds and the like that you can only get from recording the real thing. (Shimotsuki)
The first Will that served as the beginning to the world and the story, which has joined with the act of [winding up the orgel's coil]. It is pretty romantic that the orgel plays predetermined sounds when its coil is wound up (what?) The subtitle means [You, My Precious]. By the way, [Nejimaku Tsuki] is also the title of [Tsukioi no Toshi]'s original work. As for [Nejimaku Tsuki] itself, there are many things we intend to unveil in the future, so while we can't talk about them for the time being (Sorry!), these have become tracks that will give you a lot to ponder about. Live orgels are the greatest! (Hiyama)
02. Tsukioi no Toshi -Leozet_Lag_Ecliss-
Lyrics: Hiyama Nao
Composition & Arrangement: Shimotsuki Haruka

The eponymous track to this CD. This song was filled with challenges for me, as not only did I arrange it myself, it was also the first time I made an arrangement using live instruments. While the melody is like always a full-throttle one made by me (*laughs*), given it got the tastes of several living people added to it, I wonder if that didn't introduce some liveliness into the melody or make it more exciting. Rather, it feels as if I had arranged it alongside the performers. It was really fun! The song ultimately has the viewpoint of the narrator, so I took in account the world's atmosphere and placed a special emphasis in a transparent feeling as I sang it. (Shimotsuki)
[Tsukioi no Toshi], and thus the eponymous song. We put it together while keeping in mind the announcement video, the manga and the story's setting. And while it would get too long if we were to talk about the lyrics, we can summarize them as them being as if they were talking about Leozet from Rizel's viewpoint, as if he were looking from inside to inside at himself from the outside (?). And it also feels as if we had included an entirely different atmosphere only for the hook part. This song is also filled with memories about impossible-to-understand requests I made to Haruka-san, like [make it feel as if we were awakening from a dream here] or [make it feel as if everything had vanished at once here], even though I had gone to the study just to learn by observation when we recorded this song. I'm sorry for all that. (Hiyama)
03. Sousei to Shuuen -"Lei" ol Lag-Quara-
Lyrics: Hiyama Nao
Composition: Shimotsuki Haruka
Arrangement: Shimotsuki Haruka & Takumaru

I wanted to musically express somehow the part of the setting that stated that the combination of Holy and Evil magic becomes Creation Magic, so I tried to combine two different melodies and singing styles for it. The clear hymn-like style represents the Holy side, while the Bulgarian voice-like style gives off the image for the Evil side. And a part which I personally obsessed myself with was how, from among all that chaos, at the end the highs and lows in the sound are inverted and they finish the song off with the same phrase. (*laughs*) (Shimotsuki)
A single Goddess' game, in other words this is the song for the world setting of Lag-Quara. While it is entirely sung in a constructed language, it doesn't include its translation to Japanese. For this song's setting, I requested it to give off a [feel of how light and darkness pull upon each other and ultimately combine with each other, becoming a great power]. By the way, I'll be posting a partial extract from a Japanese version of [Sousei] on the site in which the progress for the collaboration project [Nejimaku Tsuki] is going at a laid-back pace. (Hiyama)
04. Hikari to no Kaikou -Sef rin chi sef mie-
Lyrics: Hiyama Nao
Composition: Shimotsuki Haruka
Arrangement: Hosoi Soushi

A full-throttle song made by MANYO-san. No matter where you look, you can never have too many of the key changes it's loaded with (*laughs*) As this song is sung from Sofia's viewpoint, I kept girlish feelings in mind as I sang it. Basically it gives off the feeling of a blighted love and the light of hope that exists even within such an event, so for the second half I put special care into making it give off the feeling of a strong will. I especially love the lyrics for the hook. I love too how it combines with the choruses' meanings. (Shimotsuki)
Sofia and Rizel. The parts from the constructed language choruses are the words Elthia herself says. I really love using methods that combine different meanings, so I was really happy while I was writing it. Originally all the parts that say [world] had [you] instead, but as I found it was far too direct when I tried humming them to myself, I ultimately changed them to [world]. So we could say they have now a combined meaning of [(your) world]. The way the song develops after the second hook is something I really love too. The way Haruka harmonizes really makes for a moe song. (Hiyama)
05. Hitomi wo Tsugumono -Quara ol "Ecliss"- 
Lyrics: Hiyama Nao
Composition & Arrangement: MANYO

This is the sort of song that goes thundering... and boom! Men wet by the rain are really cool, huh? (What?) As Hiyama asked me things like a fierce battle-like song that gave off a feeling of a fate you can't fight against, I tried to make an eerie and aggressive song of the type that are so rare for me to make. The sprint-like sensation given by Hosoi-san's arrangement also contributes to make this a tension-rising song... And Hiyama's lyrics are erotic too. I think that lyrics that use difficult words are cool and I like them, but I got a bit downhearted from how no-good I was for reading the first lines so many times. (Shimotsuki)
The song I got made after I requested a battle song. Rather, we could say this is for the last boss. The burden that Rizel carries on his shoulders is the same one Elthia has. As it is something that is deeply connected with the world, they cannot defy their fate so the world may continue existing. The whispers at the beginning are a conversation they are holding with their own [blood], a soliloquy of sorts. As I wanted the song to strongly bring out not only the cool parts of the people, but also the disgusting parts they have to them, I tried choosing words that would resound in a vivid way. The choruses were pretty difficult for Haruka too. I personally like a lot the sound effects we used here. Having Rizel getting wet by the rain at the beginning was all Haruka's idea. (*laughs*) (Hiyama)
06. Seishou -Ar karrra-
Lyrics: Hiyama Nao
Composition & Arrangement: myu

A choral song in which I participated as a member of a wonderful choir. Regardless of how restrictive choral songs might be, I think that myu-san is really amazing, no matter how many times I listen to her songs. This song had the image of the bell of judgment and a chorus that raised their voices all the way up to Heaven. Thanks to the four wonderful singers I had as companions, we could make a reality the image of a large chorus singing inside a church! Thanks! (Shimotsuki)
This song has the following setting: [the bell of judgment that rings at the time of death/the weight of these ones' sins being determined by how many times it rings in the world/the bell of destruction, the bell of judgment, the bell of forgiveness/the scales of a Goddess that have different meaning depending on the person/drawing a signpost for those who die]. Again, this is completely sung in a constructed language with no translation to Japanese being published for it. This is the song that plays after reaching the answers to everything in the world. While for this song I also went to the studio to learn by observation, I was deeply moved from having all these singers I personally like so much singing that song for me. Really, thank you very much! (Hiyama)
07. Tooi Shoujo e -Jue i fel... sil-
Lyrics: Hiyama Nao
Composition & Arrangement: Takumaru

And for something completely different from the previous song, this is a one-game match song. When I sang it, it clicked (guided by the rhythm) on its own and thus I just submerged myself into singing it without even paying any attention to the melody. The melody and the production atmosphere that still remain in my ears were done by Mr. Ishida Takumaru. However, because (because?) this is Rizel's song, I ended up getting into a dark mood when I submerged myself into singing it and then when I linked it with the sound effects. V_V  So as we wanted to make the song give off such a feeling, let's make it emit that sort of feeling. Let's just do it. (Shimotsuki)

A song that has feelings for that beloved person who is in a faraway place, which you could reach if you extended your hands to them. I personally love a lot the phrases that begin with [A crack suddenly awakened~] For the lyrics I just joined my heart with Rizel's in an honest way and thus I just wrote down the things I felt as they were. In a certain way, this could be the ending theme to [Tsukioi no Toshi]. While I always get healed by Haruka putting so much emotion into the song when she sings, I feel this song could become dangerous if I listened to it too much. (Hiyama)
08. Hanahiraku Souten -Ci ol Lip-Aura-
Lyrics: Hiyama Nao
Composition: Shimotsuki Haruka
Arrangement: Takumaru

This song also became the title for the book, and it's the only song that Elthia herself sings. As I wanted to bring out her cuteness, air of mystery and danger, I tried making the melody as airy as I could. The lyrics for the choruses were terrific too. This song has a moe melody that fuses together two different lyric lines too. I also want to thank Mr. Takumaru for having arranged the choruses so many times. Please make sure to check out how it ties in with the manga. (Shimotsuki)
Elthia's song that links with the manga. While for the other songs we basically had the image of Elthia singing while looking at the future, for these lyrics it was the opposite: I wrote them down with the image of them being memories (songs) being seen by Rizel. This is also seen story-wise, as the songs going from [Tooi Shoujo e] to [Shiroki Souka] don't lead into each others' events in any form. The choruses (sung in constructed language lyrics) are especially Elthia-filled (?) too. The voice with which Haruka sang the parts that say [Even to me~] is really cute too. (Hiyama)
09. Shiroki Souka -Sefin io Ir zel rin ar rin el-
Lyrics: Hiyama Nao
Composition & Arrangement: Hosoi Soushi

As this song has an image of a somehow warm moonlight, it is the song that gives off the image of two people who wish for a brief eternity while they are bathed in the moonlight. As the violin's melody seems to be grieving about the painful and cruel fate, it really sounds like it is crying when you listen to the song. But you can never have enough of how it mysteriously brings about a warm atmosphere and amplifies further that pain. This was made by Hosoi-san too. When I sang it, I did my best too to feel that I'd have liked to be in their same place, sharing that same warmth and pain. (Shimotsuki)
Sorrowful memories are already in the past, and your current self isn't the same person your past self was. This song has the following image: while we can't stop the passage of time as it continues going by, we won't ever disappear, as our feelings themselves are eternal, and so they will continue gradually accumulating upon each other and weaving together. While I was trying to keep myself indifferent for the lyrics, I was already at the border of tears between the violin and the vocals. Thus I wrote them down so they would sound as if Rizel's feelings themselves, as if the memories that are being shown to him (Hanahiraku Souten) would both continue going on and on. (Hiyama)
10. Nejimaku Tokei ga Tsuki no Michikake wo Kizamu -I oular i neej rin ar lef su i Lag-Quara-
Lyrics: Hiyama Nao
Composition: Shimotsuki Haruka
Arrangement: MANYO

Most likely, this was the first song that took its proper shape in this project. This is the precious song that serves as the main theme to the [Nejimaku Tsuki] that was announced at the same time as this CD. As the melody gave me the feeling that something was coming up short when I tried humming it once I got the lyrics, I think that's why I ended up making a truly sincere melody for it within myself. The arrangement couldn't bring up the images any better than it does, and I really love from it the speedy sensation it gives off and the way it brings to mind the presence of the performers! I think it became a theme song-like piece I could sing without it losing its strength! (Shimotsuki)
I wrote the lyrics for this song in the summer of 2002, before Yuragu Sora was released. As these are lyrics into which I put a lot of effort to make a theme song for [Nejimaku Tsuki], I'm really happy they managed to gain this form. As for the song itself, I love too much the hook part, and I think I remember I said too many times "This is a great song!!" (*laughs*) We also included it as track 3 of the preview CD. By the way, [Nejimaku Tokei ga Tsuki no Michikake wo Kizamu] is a title that expresses the story of [Nejimaku Tsuki] just as it is. And while I was the person who gave it that name, I have to say its length caused us a lot of trouble when we were making the lyrics card. (Hiyama)
11. Tojirareta Sekai -Eclef ol ar-
That the CD ended this way was decided from a long time ago too. I really love tracks in which the sound effects bring out the atmosphere it is supposed to give off. That the orgel is closed out of nowhere and in such a rough way is because Rizel is the one closing it. As I was obsessed with the sound effects to such a detailed degree, I recorded all of them. It was so fun! And I apologize to the sound engineer! (Shimotsuki)
I obsessed a lot about the closing sound and the footsteps too. It says... because Rizel has grown this much as a person, he leaves the room quickly. I can't apologize enough to Haruka and the engineer for going along with my obsession for the details. But thanks to your efforts, the track matches the image I was looking for exactly! I even went and said [that sound was made by Rizel himself!] (*laugh*) Anyway, it was really fun. (Hiyama)
Hanahiraku Souten (Comic) -Ci ol Lip-Aura-
Original Idea & Scenario: Hiyama Nao
Manga, Illustrations: Sorano Ao

We originally planned this to be a manga of around 30 pages. ...But at some point, the amount of text for it grew to double the size. It's so absurd.
The package colored illustration and the design aspects took too much of the time we had reserved for its creation, so it got to the point where not even a whole month was enough for them... or better said, for over three weeks I was either half-crying or seriously crying as I kept writing and drawing. I'm such a slow writer that even if I kept working on it as if I were to die in the attempt, no number of days would be enough for me to complete something. Or better said, the amount of time we had expected was not enough. I was so deeply indebted to the other staff members that I couldn't allow myself to do it in a half-hearted way, and that only increased more and more the time. I'm really sorry... orz
When I first started sending the data for it to be print out, there were many things I couldn't get used to because of the book's structure itself having a special shape, so while I encountered multiple difficulties, making a spread landscape-format manga book was something I wanted to do for a very long time now, so I had a lot of fun whenever we were actually working on it. On hindsight, I could keep going because I worked while I listened many times to the songs we made for this work's CD part, so I feel it was like a joyful crunch time for me.
This time, I kept working with the goal of depicting a girl's... or better said, Elthia's cuteness, but looks like what ended up actually being cute was the sardine. Why did it turn out like that?
By the way, there is just one thing about this work I've got to play straight guy for, no matter what. I just had to say [at the least could you change into dry clothes, please?] at the part where Sardy pushes Elthia-tan... It would be okay if they were dry, right? Wouldn't it? (Sorano)
When I went to submit the script, I said [sorry, I tried to keep it to 30 pages, but it grew to about 40, ehe], when it actually exceeded 70 pages in length at the moment I finished sorting it out. Sorry... I usually focus on the internal part when I'm creating characters, so I mostly leave the visual part to other people, but as I had made a solid image just for Elthia inside myself from the beginning, I was seriously bothered that she wouldn't be this or that way when we got to the character design stage. I'm sorry about that too... But the part of her image I had solidified inside myself was what allowed me to write the scenario so easily. I actually like a lot the atmosphere we established between Elthia and the sardine. As this book serves more as an introduction to the world setting and characters than it does as a single story, I think that maybe it managed to accomplish its purpose quite well.
By the way, the subtitle [Ci ol Lip-Aura] can be directly translated either as [The Blessing of Lip-Aura] or [The Curse of Lip-Aura]. (Hiyama)

viernes, 18 de diciembre de 2009

Letra - Nejimaku Tokei ga Tsuki no Michikake wo Kizamu

Y para cerrar con Tsukioi no Toshi; he aquí la última canción vocal. No estoy muy seguro de lo que representa en la historia de Lag-Quara, aunque la letra tiene unas cuantas partes realmente pertubadoras. Ah; y por cierto, si le pusieron atención a la canción instrumental que sirvió de apertura al album, la melodía de esta debería sonarles familiar.

捻子巻く時計が月の満ち欠けを刻む -I oular neej rin ar lef su i Lag-quara- (Nejimaku Tokei ga Tsuki no Michikake wo Kizamu)
(The Spiral-Coiling Clock Engraves the Moon's Waxing and Waning/El Reloj que Enrolla la Espiral Talla el Crecimiento y el Menguar de la Luna)

Lyrics/Letra: Nao Hiyama
Composition/Composición: Haruka Shimotsuki
Arrangement/Arreglos: MANYO
Vocals & Chorus/Vocales y Coro: Haruka Shimotsuki

ひとり捻子を巻き続け 砂に埋もれる絡繰り時計
hitori neji wo makitsudzuke suna ni umoreru karakuridokei
A mechanical clock buried in the sand continues coiling a single spiral
Un reloj mecánico enterrado en la arena continúa enrollando una sola espiral

toki ga todomaru heya wa otozureru mono mo nakute
The room where time has stopped is never visited by anyone,
El cuarto donde el tiempo se ha detenido nunca es visitado por nadie.
淡き風も吹かない 月の光だけが届く場所
awaki kaze mo fukanai tsuki no hikari dake ga todoku basho
As not even the faint wind blows through it, it is a place reached only by the moonlight.
Ya que ni siquiera el tenue viento sopla en él, es un lugar al que solo llega la luz de la luna.

夜露に冷やされた蜘蛛の巣は 張り巡らされた黄金色の鎖
yotsuyu ni hiyasareta kumonosu wa harimegurasareta kin'iro no kusari
The spiderwebs cooled by the night dew are golden chains that stretch all over.
Las telas de araña enfriadas por el rocío nocturno son cadenas doradas que se extienden por doquier.
外れないほど固く幾度も 君を絡めているのなら
hazurenai hodo kataku ikudo mo kimi wo karamete iru no nara
They have been reinforced to the point you wouldn't get out if you got caught in them.
Se han reforzado hasta el punto en que no saldrías si fueses atrapada en ellas.

tojikomerareta sekai wo tokihanachitai
Wanting to release this imprisoned world
Deseando liberar este mundo aprisionado,
君が眠る棺を抱いて 想いを繋ぎ
kimi ga nemuru hitsugi wo daite omoi wo tsunagi
I embrace the coffin you sleep in and I connect my feelings with yours
Abrazo el ataúd en el que duermes y conecto mis sentimientos a los tuyos
michikakeyuku tsukikage ni toki wo kizamu hari wo utsusu
The needle that engraves the time is reflected by the waxing and waning moon's shadow
La aguja que talla el tiempo está reflejada en la sombra de la luna creciente y menguante.

...I oular i neej rin ar lef su i Lag-quara.
...The Spiral-Coiling Clock Engraves the Waxing and Waning of the Moon
...El Reloj que Enrolla la Espiral Talla el Crecimiento y el Menguar de la Luna

今も捻子を巻き続け 何処に沈まる絡繰り時計
ima mo neji wo makitsudzuke doko ni shizumaru karakuridokei
A mechanical clock sinking somewhere keeps coiling a single spiral even now
Un reloj mecánico que se hunde en algún lugar continúa enrollando una sola espiral incluso ahora

刻が凍れる君の 魂が彷徨う空に
Toki ga kooreru kimi no kokoro ga samayou sora ni
As you are frozen in time, your soul (heart) roams throughout the sky,
Mientras estás congelada en el tiempo, tu alma (corazón) vaga por el cielo,
煙る過去の記憶が 乾く言葉の響き遺している
kemuru kako no kioku ga kawaku kotoba no hibikinokoshite iru
the hazy memories of the past leaving behind the echo of dry words.
las neblinosas memorias del pasado dejando detrás el eco de palabra secas.

翼に護られて咲く花を 狂わせていった蒼色の香り
tsubasa ni mamorarete saku hana wo kuruwasete ittta aoiro no kaori
The blue fragance has caused the blooming flower protected by the wings to go mad,
La fragancia azul ha causado que la flor naciente protegida por las alas enloqueciera,
還るための呪文の在り処すら 君は忘れてしまうから
kaeru tame no uta no arikasura kimi wa wasurete shimau kara
Because you have even forgotten where the spell (song) for your return lies.
Porque has olvidado incluso donde yace el hechizo (canción) para tu regreso.

tojikomerareta sekai no samenai yume wa
The never awakening dream of this imprisoned world
El sueño que jamás despertará de este mundo aprisionado
君と僕を巡り合わせて 滅びを紡ぎ
kimi to boku wo meguriawasete horobi wo tsumugi
is that you and me meet again, and weave the destruction.
es que tú y yo nos encontremos de nuevo e hilemos la destrucción.
michikakeyuku tsukikage ni toki wo kizamu hari wo otosu
The needle that engraves time falls under the waxing and waning moon's shadow.
La aguja que talla el tiempo cae bajo la sombra de la luna creciente y menguante.

...Lag-quara chi "ir" sirea fid lei o we fan jue "ar"...
..."I" will entrust this sealed world to "you"...
..."Yo" te confiaré a "ti" este mundo sellado...

tojikomerareta sekai de kowarete iku boku wa
As a I break down in this imprisoned world,
Mientras me hago pedazos en este mundo aprisionaado,
その手を唇に重ねて 想いを塞ぎ
sono te wo kuchibiru ni kasanete omoi wo fusagi
I put my lips on your hand and cover it with feelings
Pongo mis labios sobre tu mano y la cubro de mis sentimientos
michikakeyuku tsukikage ni toki wo kizamu hari wo modosu
The needle that engraves time returns to the waxing and waning moon's shadow.
La aguja que talla el tiempo regresa a la sombra de la luna creciente y menguante.

hitsugi wo akete subete wo kegashi
Opening the coffin and tainting everything
Abriendo el ataúd y contaminando todo
nejimakareru tsukikage ni toki wo kizamu hari wo tomeru
The needle that engraves the time stops in the spiral-coiling moon's shadow.
La aguja que talla el tiempo se detiene en la sombra de la luna que enrolla la espiral.

Y para finalizar al 100% con Tsukioi no Toshi, he aquí la traducción del título y subtítulo de la canción instrumental que le sirve de cierre al album:

閉じられた世界 -Eclef ol Ar- (Tojirareta Sekai)
(Sealed World ~Your Release~/Mundo Sellado ~Tu Liberación~)

jueves, 17 de diciembre de 2009

Letra - Shiroki Souka

Siguiendo con Tsukioi (y prácticamente terminando ya, solo falta una canción después de esta), he aquí la siguiente de las canciones. Está personalmente no me gusta mucho, ya que la siento un poco fuera del estilo de Haruka; y que no tiene mucha consonancia con el resto del album.

白き想歌 -Sefin io Ir zel rin ar rin el- (Shiroki Souka)
(White Song of Feelings ~The Song I Eternally Knew with You~/Canción Blanca de los Sentimientos ~La Canción que Eternamente Supe Contigo~)

Lyrics/Letra: Nao Hiyama
Composition & Arrangement/Composición y Arreglos: Soushi Hosoi
Vocals & Chorus/Vocales y Coro: Haruka Shimotsuki

yoru ga togireta kumoma kara hirameku
The song you let go of, which crafted and pledged eternity
La canción que dejaste ir, la cual creaba y juraba eternidad,
kimi ga tebanashita towa no chikau tsumugi uta
shines from the space between clouds interrupted by the night
brilla desde el espacio entre las nubes interrumpido por la noche

uzuku kizuato ni fureru kiri ga
The mist that touches my aching wounds
La niebla que toca mis dolientes heridas
tsumetai omoi wo yobisamashite iku
is calling into awakening these cold memories
está llamando a despertar esas frías memorias

tsuki ga kokoro wo mitashite kuretemo
Even if the moon filled my heart
Aún si la luna llenase mi corazón

kanashimi wa afurenai
The sadness doesn't overflow
La tristeza no se desborda,
痛みは ただ重ねられて
itami wa tada kasanerarete
The pain still keeps accumulating itself,
El dolor solo sigue acumulándose,
toga to nari orarete iku
weaving and becoming sin.
hilando y volviendóse pecado

namae nokoshita kimi no yubiwa wa
The ring in which you left behind your name
El anillo en el que dejaste tu nombre
shiranai umi no iro ni sabitsuita
has rusted in the color of an unknown ocean
se ha oxidado en el color de un oceáno desconocido

tsuki ga akari wo yowamete kuretemo
Even if the moonlight weakened
Aún si la luz de la luna se debilitase

shinjitsu wa usurenai
Truth doesn't fade away,
La verdad no se desvanece,
永別は ただ在りの儘に
wakare wa tada arinomama ni
The last farewell is still as it is,
La última despedida sigue siendo como es,
ikue ni mo orarete iku
being weaved multiple times.
siendo hilada múltiples veces.

yoake ni koko wo hanare
As dawn breaks, I'll leave this place
Mientras el amanecer llega, dejaré este lugar.
boku wa hitori aruite iku
I'll walk alone
Caminaré solo
atarashii tsuki wo otte
and chase after a new moon.
y seguiré una nueva luna.

変わらぬ永遠が もしも在るとすれば
kawaranu towa ga moshimo aru to sureba
If the unchanging eternity actually exists,
Si la inalterable eternidad existe en realidad,
kako no boku ga kimi dake wo aishita koto
my past self only loved you and no one else.
mi yo pasado sólo to amó a ti y a nadie más.

miércoles, 9 de diciembre de 2009

Letra - Hanahiraku Souten

Y siguiendo, he aquí a la siguiente canción de Tsukioi: Hanahiraku Souten. A diferencia de las otras canciones, que relatan la historia de Ecliss siguiendo más o menos un orden, está canción pertenece a una historia alterna que es relatada en el manga del mismo nombre (el cual vino incluido con el album).

花ひらく蒼天 -Ci ol Lip-Aura-(Hanahiraku Souten)
(The Blooming Blue Sky ~The Blessing, or Perhaps Curse of "Lip-Aura"~/El Floreciente Cielo Azul ~La Bendición, o Quizás Maldición de "Lip-Aura"~)

Lyrics/Letra: Nao Hiyama
Composition/Composición: Haruka Shimotsuki
Arrangement/Arreglos: Takumaru
Vocals & Chorus/Vocales y Coro: Haruka Shimotsuki

sora ni hirakeru hana wa
The flower blooming in the heavens
La flor que florece en los cielos
aoku hakanaku chiriyuku sadame wo shiri
knows that it is fated to fall in a pale, ephemeral way.
sabe que está destinada a caer en una forma pálida, efímera.
現実を見届けるリプアラ 呪いの花
ima wo mitodokeru Lip-Aura noroi no hana
Lip-Aura, the cursed flower that ascertains the truth (now)
Lip-Aura, la flor maldita que se asegura de la verdad (ahora)

ゆるむ蕾が薫らせる 幻影とどければ
yurumu tsubomi ga kaoraseru maboroshi todokereba
When the sweet scent of the opening bud leads to illusion,
Cuando el dulce olor de los botones que se abren conduce a la ilusión,
追い風は花片を乗せて 楽園に誘う
oikaze wa kahen wo nosete rakuen ni sasou
its petals ride on the tailwind, inviting travelers to the Paradise
sus pétalos montan el viento de cola, invitando a los viajeros al Paraíso

Sefil osnen sep lida ar sefile tam ir.
Please, don't cry for me,
Por favor, no llores por mí,
Zelef o nen his i Aura.
because a flower has no heart.
porque una flor no tiene corazón.

watashi ni mo mizu wo kudasai
Please, give even your tears (water) to me
Por favor, dame incluso tus lágrimas (agua)
乾いてゆく このからだ
kawaite yuku kono karada
Pour it into my drying body.
Viértelas en mi cuerpo que se marchita.
anata ni wa uruosemasuka
Could you moisten me?
¿Podrías mojarme?
sora ni toite kuremasuka
Could you release me on the skies?
¿Podrías liberarme en los cielos?

Ir mir rin sug zai nai ir.
My future and my past exist inside me
Mi futuro y mi pasado existen dentro de mi
Ar mir rin sug zai nai ar.
Your future and your past exist inside you
Tu futuro y tu pasado existen dentro de ti
Tu o i "sefira".
That is what we call the "Song of Light"
Eso es lo que llamamos la "Canción de la Luz".

時間を手放す意思が 願いを呟くなら
toki wo tebanasu koe ga negai wo tsubuyaku nara
If the will (voice) that releases the time mutters its wish,
Si la voluntad (voz) que libera el tiempo susurra su deseo,
抱き留めたはずの永遠は 色に呑まれていく
idakitometa hazu no eien wa iro ni nomarete iku
the eternity that should have been restrained will be swallowed by the colors.
la eternidad que debió haber sido apresada será tragada por los colores.

Tu syow o nen odin i mir io sinal.
It is possible there is truly no future for them.
Es posible que no realmente no haya un futuro para ellos.
Tu syow o i iok chi kiz i sinal ol i "mir".
It is possible that the [future] is naught but memories engraved upon reality
Es posible que el [futuro] no sea más que memorias talladas sobre la realidad
Ir sinal mir wil o his i ten ol eclef.
My true future most likely is to be found after the destruction.
Mi verdadero futuro probablemente se encuentre después de la destrucción.
Io i silvecia ol tu ten chi o nen tor li...
Not being imprisoned by this blood, not being seized by myself, in the blessed land that lies beyond all that..
Sin estar aprisionada en esta sangre, sin estar presa por mí misma, e la tierra bendita que se encuentra más allá de todo eso.
Tu sinal o io "Silvecia".
That must be the true [Paradise]
Ese debe ser el verdadero [Paraíso]

踊る少女は軽やかに 未来を手繰りよせて
odoru shoujo wa karoyaka ni kioku wo taguriyosete
The dancing girl calmly reels in the future memories,
La chica danzante calmadamente hala las memorias futuras,
mizukara ga karasu sekai ni ibuki wo kasaneru
the breaths join with each other in the world she let die.
los alientos se unen entre sí en el mundo que ella dejó morir.

Yun, Ir sine jue hay mie "ar".
Therefore, I want meet "you" soon
Por ello, quiero conocerte a "ti" pronto
Ir sine jue ar kurr ir i sinal mir.
I want to meet you, who will be giving me the true future
Quiero conocerte a ti, quien me dará el verdadero futuro.

watashi ni mo uta wo kudasai
Please, give even to me the light (song)
Por favor, da incluso a mi la luz (canción)
subete nakushita kokoro ga
So this heart that has lost everything
De modo que este corazón que lo ha perdido todo
saigo made miteirareru yume ni mo
can see continue seeing until its last moments
pueda continuar viendo hasta sus últimos momentos
tsudzuki ga aru youni...
if its dreams have a continuation...
si sus sueños tienen una continuación...

まわる刻の輪 くり返し 終末を ささやく
Mawaru toki no wa kurikaeshi owari wo sasayaku
The revolving circle of time whispers a repeating end,
El girante círculo del tiempo susurra un final que se repite,
大切な あなたのために 記憶を示しながら
taisetsuna anata no tameni mirai wo shimeshinagara
while I reveal the memories (future) for your sake, my precious one
mientras revelo las memorias (futuro) por tu bien, mi ser preciado.

Sefil hay kurr ir "ar".
Please, "you", come to me soon
Por favor, "tú", ven a mi pronto
Ir o dix i on ar ecl ir.
I will wait for the day in which you crumble away for me.
Esperaré por el día en el cual te desmorones por mí.

睡る少女は安らかに 遠い明日 えがき
nemuru shoujo wa yasuraka ni tooi asu egaki
The sleeping girl calmly sketches the faraway tomorrow
La chica durmiente dibuja tranquilamente el lejano mañana
空は いまだ蒼いまま 落日を待ち焦がれる
sora wa imada aoi mama rakujitsu wo machikogareru
Just as the sky is still blue, she years for the setting sun.
Justo como el cielo sigue siendo azul, ella añora el sol poniente.

Ir o dix i on ar ecl ir.
I will wait for the day in which you crumble away for me.
Esperaré por el día en el cual te desmorones por mí.
dix i on ar ecl.
From the bottom of my heart, I will wait for the day in which you crumble away for me.
Desde el fondo de mi corazón, esperaré por el día en el cual te desmorones por mí.

I on ar uraf ar rin "ar" nyus.
And in exchange for losing you, the day will come when I will obtain "you"
Y a cambio de perderte a ti, el día vendrá en el que te obtendré a "ti"
Ir o "io ar ek" rin o dix...
I yearn to be "inside your blood" once again...
Yo ansío estar "dentro de tu sangre" de nuevo...

Translation Notes:
As you all might have picked up, "Lip-Aura" is the name of a ccursed flower that causes hallucinations to the ones who gaze at its petals and smell its fragance. Its name literally translates to "Flower of Madness" (Lip = become mad, and Aura = Flower). It always wonders about if it actually has a heart or not. The subtitle of the song has a dual translation because "Ci" means "curse" and "blessing" in Lag-Quara, both at the same time.
Notas de traducción:
Como todos ustedes pudieron haber captado, "Lip-Aura" es el nombre de una flor maldita que causa halucinaciones a aquellos que miran sus pétalos y huelen su aroma. Su nombre se traduce literalmente como "Flor de la Locura" (Lip = enloquecer; y Aura = Flor). Siempre se pregunta sobre si en realidad tiene un corazón o no. El subtítulo de la canción tiene una doble traducción porque "Ci" significa "maldición" y "bendición" a la vez en Lag-Quara.

jueves, 3 de diciembre de 2009

Letra - Tooi Shoujo e

Bueno, por fin puedo publicar de nuevo una canción traducida por completo, así que espero que disfruten esta. Está canción es una de mis favoritas en Tsukioi, aunque es bastante triste. Y de acuerdo a Nao Hiyama, esta canción podría considerarse como el ending de la historia de Lag-Quara... en otras palabras, no creo que podamos esperar un buen final para Rizel y Soficia.

遠い少女へ -Jue i fel...sil- (Tooi Shoujo e)
(To the Faraway Girl - To You, My Beloved/Para la Lejana Chica - Para Ti, Mi Amada)

Lyrics/Letra: Hiyama Nao
Composition & Arrangement/Composición y Arreglos: Takumaru
Vocals & Chorus/Vocales y Coros: Haruka Shimotsuki

dare ni mo tsugezu ni dokoka e kieteshimaou
Without telling anyone, I'll disappear to somewhere.
Sin decirle a nadie, desapareceré a algún lugar.
yukue wo kaze ni mo owarenu tooi basho made
Until I reach a faraway place where not even the North Wind can follow me.
Hasta que llegue a un lugar lejano al que ni siquiera el Viento del Norte pueda seguirme.

kimi e no omoi wo katadoru kuchibiru kara
The words of our parting silently blur into each other
Las palabras de nuestra despedida silenciosamente se emborronan entre sí
wakare no kotoba ga oto mo naku nijimu
from the lips that give form to my feelings for you.
desde los labios que le dan forma a mis sentimientos por ti

氷を隔てて 笑みかける
koori wo hedatete emikakeru
Separated by the ice, the shadow of
Separada por el hielo, la sombra de
少女の影は 僅かも揺らめかず
shoujo no kage wa wazuka mo yuramekazu
the smiling girl doesn't tremble at all,
la chica sonriente no tiembla para nada,
Ano e no naka de saku hana no nokoriga no you
just like the lingering smell of the flowers inside that painting.
al igual que el olor remanente de las flores dentro de aquella pintura.

jibun no sugata mo koe mo wasureteshimaou
I'll forget even my own shape and my voice
Olvidaré incluso mi propia forma y mi voz,
mirai mo kioku mo boku wo tsukurumono subete
Even my future, even my memories: everything that makes me up
Incluso mi futuro, incluso mis memorias: todo aquello que me da forma.

kokoro to karada wo majieru tanasoko kara
The warmth I transmit sprouts in red
La calidez que transmito retoña en rojo
tsutawaru netsu ni wa akairo ga mebuku
from the palms that connect soul and body
desde las palmas que conectan alma y cuerpo.

氷が割れたら 君までも失うことは
koori ga waretara kimi made mo ushinau koto wa
I noticed I would even lose you
Me dí cuenta de que te perdería incluso a ti
気付いていたのに 春を待つ振りをし続けて
kidzuiteita no ni haru wo matsu furioshitsudzukete
if I broke the ice, and so I keep trembling and waiting for spring's arrival
si rompiese el hielo; y por ello continuo temblando y esperando la llegada de la primavera.

futo sameta yume no sukima
A crack suddenly awakened in the dream
Una grieta repentinamente despertó en el sueño,
nani wo nozondeita no darou
What could you have been wishing for?
¿Qué podrías haber estado deseando?
雪消えの前に僕は 笑みを返したい
yukigie no mae ni boku wa emi wo kaeshitai
As I keep caressing your frozen body,
Mientras sigo acariciando tu cuerpo congelado,
iteru kimi ni furenagara
I wish to restore your smile before the snow melts.
Deseo restaurar tu sonrisa antes de que la nieve se funda.

kono mama futari de atonaku tokete shimaou
We'll melt into each other just like this, leaving no trace behind,
Nos fundiremos el uno en el otro justo así, sin dejar rastros,
namida mo chishio mo nagarenu tooi kuni eto
and go to a faraway country where not even our blood or tears will flow anymore.
e iremos a un país lejano en el que ni nuestra sangre ni lágrimas fluyan más.

miércoles, 2 de diciembre de 2009

Letra - Seishou

Y en contraste con la canción previa, esta canción hace pensar a uno como si estuviera en el paraíso, lo cual concuerda perfectamente por el hecho de que es el tema de Silvecia. Para más explicaciones, por favor leer abajo. Y solo me queda añadir... que a pesar de lo hermosa que es, la penúltima línea cambia completamente la atmósfera de la canción... Ya que creo que podríamos definirla como el llamado de la muerte; y de hecho, de acuerdo a Nao Hiyama, esta canción puede definirse entre otras formas como la campana que llama al Juicio Final en Lag-Quara, además de que cuando una persona escucha ésta canción, esto significa que su vida llegó a su final...

聖鐘 -Ar karrra- (Seishou)
(Holy Bell ~The Bell That Rings at Your Last Hour~/Campana Sagrada ~La Campana que Suena en Tú Última Hora~)

Lyrics/Letra: Nao Hiyama
Composition & Arrangement/Composición y Arreglos: myu
Vocals & Chorus/Vocales y Coros: Haruka Shimotsuki, Noriko Mitose and Rekka Katakiri.
Laq o i kas zai ar tu “Lag-Quara”.
The entirety of this world is formed by existences joined with each other.
Este mundo entero está formado por existencias unidas entre sí.

Wisi eclef ar osn zai moa.
There is not even a single thing that is separate from you.
No hay ni una sola cosa que esté separada de ti.

Ar dei yud wet jue ir.
Entrust yourself completely to me.
Entrégate completamente a mi.

Ir dei yud wet jue ar,
(そして わたしもあなたに全てを委ねています)
And then, I shall entrust myself completely to you as well.
Y así, yo también me entregaré completamente a ti.

Ieldis rin Sefcia o ici ar.
The Shadow and the Light are a part of you as well.
La Sombra y la Luz son una parte de ti también.

Rin tu karrra o ici ar.
Even this voice is a part of you.
Incluso esta voz es una parte de ti.

Qui Quara jue ths
First, we will bestow you a coffin,
Primero, te otorgaremos un ataúd,

whe o sefcia dix “Silvecia”
Even if you still wish for the "Paradise"
Aún si todavía deseas el "Paraíso"

Translator's Note:

Silvecia is the name of the Paradise in Lag-Quara, which is a legendary land everyone seeks.

Nota del Traductor: 

Silvecia el nombre del Paraíso en Lag-Quara, la cual es una tierra legendaria que todos buscan.

martes, 1 de diciembre de 2009

Letra - Hitomi wo Tsugumono

Y después del pequeño descanso que me tomé posteando las noticias sobre Ar tonelico III y la llegada de mi ejemplar del Settei Book, aquí sigo con las traducciones de Tsukioi no Toshi, en está ocasión, para la que considero como la canción más oscura del album; y están a punto de saber por qué.

瞳を継ぐ者 -Quara ol "Ecliss"- (Hitomi wo Tsugumono)
(The One Who Will Succeed the Eyes ~The Puppet of "Ecliss"~/Aquel que Sucederá a los Ojos ~La Marioneta de "Ecliss"~)

Lyrics/Letra: Nao Hiyama
Compositon & Arrangement/Composición y Arreglos: Haruka Shimotsuki
Vocals & Chorus/Vocales y Coro: Haruka Shimotsuki

"──Osnen sits."
It is futile to escape.
Es inútil escapar.

"Ir zel."
I know.
Lo sé. 

"Osnen jas ar liss."
It is futile to avert your eyes from it.
Es inútil que apartes tus ojos de él.

"Ir zel."
I know
Lo sé. 

"Ar nam o Ecliss,
Your name is Ecliss.
Tu nombre es Ecliss.

Osnen jas ar liss ori ar nam rin vi dir."
Having that name is a sin, so it is futile to avert your eyes from it.
Tener ese nombre es un pecado, así que es inútil que apartes tus ojos de él.

I know...
Lo sé...

常夜 駆け抜ける蹄は 誰に烙印を負わせる?
tokoyo kakenukeru hizume wa dare ni rakuin wo owaseru?
Who is being marked by the hooves running through the eternal night?
¿Quién está siendo marcado por las pezuñas que corren por la noche eterna?
魂は死とまぐわい 生き乱れては撓う
kokoro wa shi to maguwai ikimidarete wa shinau
The souls and hearts have intercourse with death, the disarrayed lives yield themselves,
Las almas y corazones tienen relaciones con la muerte, las vidas en caos se entregan,
takaki sadame wo ukeireshi mono ni tsugu
announcing to the one who accepts his lofty fate.
anunciándole a aquél que acepta su alto destino.

Ishiki no hako ni uzumaku akaki chi de
May this world formed by silk threads be dyed
¡Que este mundo formado por hilos de seda sea teñido
mawata ga katachi tsukuru sekai wo someyo
by the crimson blood swirling within the basket of consciousness!
por la sangre carmesí arremolinándose dentro del cesto de la consciencia!
理さえ 絶ち切る瞳から
kotowarisae tachikiru hitomi kara
The puppet (body), imprisoned by chains,
La marioneta (cuerpo) aprisionada por cadenas
鎖り囚われて 逃れえぬ傀儡
tsugari torawarete nogareenu karada
is unable to escape from those eyes that mince even the laws.
es incapaz de escapar de aquellos ojos que destrozan incluso las leyes.

陰る風に掠れる呪文 誰が濁流に飲まれる?
kageru kaze ni kasureru koe dare ga dakuryuu ni nomareru?
Who drinks from the muddy stream of the spell (voice) that grazes the dark winds?
¿Quién bebe del lodoso arroyo del hechizo (voz) que araña los oscuros vientos?
亡骸は生に舫い 朽ち乱れては縋る
mukuro wa sei ni moyai kuchimidarete wa sugaru
The corpses moor on life, the chaotic putrefaction clinging to them,
Los cadáveres encallan en la vida, la caótica putrefacción aferrándose a ellos,
kuraki sadame wo ukeireshi mono ni tsugu
announcing to the one who accepts his dark fate.
anunciándole a aquel que acepta su oscuro destino.

iyashiki hako ni sakamaku akaki chi de
May this world that plays irregular songs be silenced
¡Que este mundo que toca canciones irregulares sea silenciado
fukisoku wo kanaderu sekai wo shizumeyo
by the crimson blood surging from the vulgar basket!
por la sangre carmesí que brota a borbotones de la cesta vulgar!
疵に絡み 引き裂く瞳から
kizu ni karami hikisaku hitomi kara
The puppet, wedges protruding from it, is unable to oppose
La marioneta, con cuñas brotando de sí, es incapaz de oponerse
楔 差し込まれ 抗えぬ傀儡
kusabi sashikomare aragaenu karada
these eyes that tear it apart with linked wouds.
a esos ojos que la hacen pedazos con heridas interconectadas.

Realize it.
Date cuenta.
I sefira o nen nai.
That power will never die
Aquel poder nunca morirá
Va i quara sef lux ar liss.
until the successor appears before your eyes
hasta que el sucesor aparezca ante tus ojos.

Translator Notes:

"Ecliss" means "eyes" in Lag-Quara, as it was established formerly in the lyrics for Sousei to Shuuen, so you all should be able to pick up some connections in the title of the lyrics.

Notas del Traductor:

"Ecliss" significa "ojos" en Lag-Quara, como fue establecido anteriormente en la letra para Sousei to Shuuen, así que deberían poder entendar las conexiones en el título de la letra.

jueves, 26 de noviembre de 2009

Letra - Hikari to no Kaikou

Y para contrastar un poco con la última canción que traduje, he aquí la siguiente que pertenece a Tsukioi no Toshi; y digo que contrasta porque no se parece en nada cuando se trata de ritmo y estilo. De hecho, suena más bien calmante, aunque la letra es un poco triste.

光との邂逅 -Sef rin chi sef mie-(Hikari to no Kaikou)
(Meeting with the Light - The Light that Met the Light -/Encuentro con la Luz - La Luz que se Encontró con la Luz -)

Lyrics/Letra: Hiyama Nao
Composition & Arrangement/Composición y Arreglos: MANYO (LittleWing)
Vocals & Chorus/Vocales y Coro: Haruka Shimotsuki

higure no iro wa yasashiku
The gentle color of twilight
El gentil color del crepúsculo
欠けた景色 照らしてくれる
kaketa keshiki terashite kureru
shines over the destroye scenery
brilla sobre el destruido paisaje
透き通る影から 心が溶け出して
sukitooru kage kara kokoro ga tokedashite
The hearts melt away from the transparent shadows
Los corazones se funden desde las sombras transparentes

nukumori wo tashikameta migite ga
My right hand, having checked your warmth,
Mi mano derecha, haviendo revisando tu calidez,
震える あなたに気付いた
furueru anata ni kidzuita
Made me realize you trembled
Me hizo notar que tú temblabas

Ar ecla rin o fida.
You have been cursed to die
Has sido maldecida para morir.
Mief sal i du, rin i sal celef.
Encounters give birth to opposition, give birth to connections
Los encuentros le dan vida a oposiciones, le dan vida a conexiones
Wisie fida t o lezec mief?
Should we call those cruel encounters?
¿Deberíamos llamarlos encuentros crueles?

壊れていく 世界を嘆かないで
kowarete iku sekai wo nagekanaide
Don't cry for the broken world
No llores por el mundo destruido
失くしたなら もう一度砂から掬いあげて
nakushita nara mouichido suna kara kusuiagete
If it was lost, then pick it up from the sand once again
Si se perdió, entonces recógelo de nuevo de entre la arena
yagate subete sugisatta toshitemo
Even if everything will have passed away soon,
Aún si todo habrá muerto pronto,
hitoshizuku no hikari wa nokoru
a drop of light will remain
una gota de luz quedará

syo ar silee eclef-inal.
The last farewell approaches
La última despedida se acerca
dei dan ouk eaca xi
We cannot understand each other
No podemos entendernos el uno al otro
or i set ol dei zelef.
from the depths of our hearts.
desde las profundidades de nuestros corazones.

流れる水を 堰き止め
nagareru mizu wo sekitome
Blocking the stream of water,
Bloqueando el cauce del agua,
映るものを ぼかす指先
utsuru mono wo bokasu yubisaki
the fingertip that obscures the reflections
la punta del dedo que oscurece los reflejos
濁したら始めに 何が沈むのでしょう
nigoshitara hajime ni nani ga shizumu no deshou
sinks down something into it as it starts turning muddy.
hunde algo en él mientras comienza a volverse lodoso.

Sil wispes celef fee.
The girl gave her thanks to life.
La chica le dió su gratitud a la vida.
Syo ar zel ol i sil,
To the point of her partner coming to her mind whenever she thinks
Hasta el punto de tener a su compañero en mente cada vez que piensa
syo ar silee eclef-inal.
The last farewell approaches
La última despedida se acerca
Yun i solef tes o we nen sien Celes.
Therefore, we have been determined to be souls utterly incompatible with each other.
Y por ello, hemos sido determinados como almas completamente incompatibles entre sí.

歪んだ視界の果て 溺れる
hizunda shikai no hate oboreru
I drown at the distorted vision's end,
Me ahogo al final de la distorsionada visión,
itsuka wa ochite iku no dakara
because one day I will fall down into it.
porque un día caeré en ella.

Dei ouk leld wan quet Sef.
What obstructs the light is not the darkness
Lo que obstruye a la luz no es la oscuridad.
Acset o ar rin dei fu dei,
Whether you receive this or receive that,
Sin importar si recibes esto o recibes aquello,
Deiei en jue wil leld.
either way there should still be darkness.
de cualquier modo debe de haber oscuridad.

すれ違う心を預け わたしを感じて…
surechigau kokoro wo azuke watashi wo kanjite...
Entrust yourself to the disagreeing hearts, feel me...
Entregate a los corazones en desacuerdo, siénteme...

chigirareta yakusoku wa
The simple meaning behind the
El simple significado detrás de la
tayasuku imi nakusu keredo
promise we made has been lost, but
promesa que hicimos se ha perdido, pero
wasurete iku kotoba yorimo tsuyoku
it left a bond in the palm of my hands
dejó un lazo en la palma de mis manos
tte no hira ni kizuna wa nokoru
that is stronger than those forgotten words.
que es más fuerte que esas palabras olvidadas.

Mief sal i du, rin i sal celef.
Encounters give birth to opposition, give birth to connections
Los encuentros le dan vida a oposiciones, le dan vida a conexiones
Sef wa-o neg li qules Sef.
The light is negated by a stronger light
La luz es negada por una luz más brillante,
Zelef wa-o neg li qules zelef.
The heart is negated by a stronger heart
El corazón es negado por un corazón más fuerte

もしあなたが 世界を続けるなら
moshi anata ga sekai wo tsudzukeru nara
If you will continue the existence of this world,
Si vas a continuar con la existencia de este mundo,
欠片でいい わたしを風から掬いあげて
kakera de ii watashi wo kaze kara sukuiagete
scoop me out from the wind, even if it's just in pieces;
recógeme del viento, así sea sólo en pedazos;
itsuka michi wo wakatsu toki ga kitemo
and if the time in which we must take separate roads ever comes,
y si alguna vez llega el momento en que tengamos que tomar caminos separados,
Anata wo omou hikari wa nokoru
The light that thinks about you will remain.
La luz que piensa en ti quedará.

Acset o ar rin dei fu dei,
Whether you receive this or receive that,
Sin importar si recibes esto o recibes aquello,
Deiei en jue wil leld.
either way there should still be darkness.
de cualquier modo debe de haber oscuridad.